Friday, February 21, 2014


Short post right now! There is a front moving through the Southeastern United States right now and it's causing damage. What was producing tornadoes in the Midwest yesterday looks like it'll be doing the same today in the Southeast. Tornado watches for Central NC and the northeastern portion of SC. Tune in to your local weather channel for more information! Be Safe! Orange is severe thunderstorm warning and yellow is tornado watch in the pictures below, and pink is severe thunderstorm watch:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Important Winter Update!

Bundle up, grab your firewood, and make sure your generators are working because this is going to be another rough system moving through the Piedmont! If any of you remember the 2005 ice storm, this is going to be similar if not worse from the amount falling.

It is looking as though this afternoon and tonight we will be receiving about half an inch of accumulation. What is the problem with this? Yes, a couple weeks ago we had 2 inches of snow in Raleigh. This precipitation on the other hand is going to be primarily ice. Freezing rain and ice pellets will be falling starting after dinner time and continuing until almost noon tomorrow.

The accumulation forecast to the left is only for today, Wednesday 2/12. AMS Certified Meteorologist Elizabeth Gardener explains the potential for snow and ice accumulation on Wednesday across the central plains of NC.

During the 2005 ice storm, Raleigh accumulated half of an inch of ice and as a result was crippled for a week. 1000s of people were without power and power companies were working frantically in order to get power back to those living in the Triangle. If you have a generator, please get gas for it and make sure it still works. I wouldn't be surprised if we accumulated half an inch of snow and over half an inch of ice in the next 24 hours.

Here is a rundown of precipitation types and eta's (estimated times of arrival):

Today (Wednesday) - From not too long after lunch until the mid-afternoon Raleigh can expect to begin seeing its first bit of snow/mixed precipitation. This wont last very long though because when mid-afternoon rolls around and the temperature drops to below that 30 degree mark ice pellets and freezing rain will begin falling... and will keep falling. WRAL has a 100% chance of ice pellets/freezing rain from 3:00 p.m. Wednesday until 9:00 a.m. on Thursday when the temperature rises a bit above 30. Below you can see the National Forecast Map for the United States for today.

Tomorrow (Thursday) - Ice pellets and freezing rain will cover the triangle and surrounding areas in a wintry death trap. It looks fun to go out in, but I need to reinforce and can't emphasize enough: DO. NOT. DRIVE. in this weather if you don't have to! If you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO GO OUT, walk. It'll be nice exercise and you won't run the risk of getting your car stranded. The hills in the Piedmont of North Carolina are highly unforgiving to drivers in icy conditions. Black ice will be prevalent on even some main roads all day Thursday and into the late morning on Friday.

After the temperature warms up a bit on Thursday (to a whopping 34-35 degrees), it will begin to snow. Not necessarily a heavy snow, but definitely enough to cover what ice exists on the road at this time. It will be snowing on Thursday on and off until almost 9:00 p.m. and once the clouds dissipate a bit, temperature will only drop further, increasing the chances for that black ice to stay on the roads.

Friday - Friday things will change a bit, but conditions still won't be safe. Temperatures will rise to the mid 40s and sunny conditions will persist throughout the morning, however in the afternoon clouds will begin rolling in again and temperatures will cool. There is another chance for rain/snow Friday afternoon and evening, though not as definite or crippling as what will come today and tomorrow.

Saturday - Temperatures will rise again on Saturday and the Triangle will begin to thaw out. Temperatures will reach the mid 40s and skies in the afternoon and evening will be clear and sunny. As the surface temperatures cool off at night some clouds will form but precipitation will not fall.

Sunday - Raleigh continues recovering from a deep freeze as temperatures reach upper 40s.

What does this mean for Businesses in the Piedmont?
Business will be closed on Wednesday night, Thursday, and possibly Friday. It is possible that large grocery and food organizations, such as Harris Teeter and Starbucks, will be open on Friday, but I have a hard time seeing anything being open tomorrow (Thursday).

What does this mean for college students?
NC State currently has classes cancelled until 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, 12/13. I would be VERY surprised if we have classes on Thursday afternoon and even if we do, I will not be able to go because I won't be able to get out of my house. Commuters will be gridlocked in an icy prison. Due to temperatures refreezing overnight and precipitation continuing on Thursday night, I would also be surprised if we have classes before 12:00 on Friday. Depending on how much of the ice stays on the roads, classes could be cancelled all day Friday as well. I want to say that the Hoops 4 Hope women's basketball game against UNC will still be held on Sunday, but at this point it is too hard to say. We will see what happens on Saturday with the initial thaw.