Weather down here in Florida has been pretty nice over the past couple of days. I understand that in NC there has been much rain and even a good bit of flooding in some places. The forecasts are looking like more of the same for both regions today: Showers and isolated afternoon t-storms with chances dying off in the evening after sunset and isolated t-storms here in Cocoa Beach this morning. Radar is looking pretty clean so far this morning for both places but with all the moisture, expect convection to take over this afternoon in forming the storms mentioned earlier in the forecasts.
Red Flag warnings diminishing throughout the southwest in NV/CA region as a bit of rain moved through and winds are beginning to die down in the region. Hopefully firemen will be able to get the fires under control before the next wave of fire-spreading dry winds moves through. Thank you so much for the group of 20, 19 of whom did not return, for fighting the flames in an attempt to get the fires under control. Your families are being prayed for and your services are more than appreciated. The amount of lives they saved by giving your own far surpasses the 19 that had to perish in the flames.
With Independence day having been yesterday, let us all remember our servicemen/women: military, national guard, police force, firemen/women, EMS. All protect our freedoms and help keep the domestic sector safe from natural disasters, diseases, and imposing international threats. Thank you to our servicemen/women!
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