What does equinox even mean?

The word "Solstice" stems from the Latin words "sol" meaning "sun", and "sistere" or "sitidium" meaning "to stand still" because the sun seemingly stops it's latitudinal movement before reversing direction. This is as a result of the Earth rotating on its axis around the sun.
The word "Equinox" comes from the Latin words "equi" or "aequus" meaning "equal" and "nox" meaning "night". This is to say that in a 24-hour day, there will be 12 hours of sun after the sunrise, and 12 hours of nighttime after the sunset.
(This information and more interesting terminology can be found at
https://www.noslangues-ourlanguages.gc.ca/bien-well/fra-eng/vocabulaire-vocabulary/slstc-eqnx-eng.html! Go check it out!)
What does Fall mean to me?

What else does fall mean to me though? Family time. Spending time in the yard mowing and raking leaves, playing board games, going on family walks, traditions, and Thanksgiving. Our biggest tradition during the fall is to watch "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" as a family, but we have others like carving pumpkins while toasting the pumpkin seeds, and enjoying munching on the seeds later. I also love having fires in the fireplace once temperatures start cooling off, and enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate on a cool Sunday afternoon.
Thanksgiving is the most important time of fall to me. I serve a God who is alive and active in my life and in the lives of people around me, and we have a national holiday for thanking Him for the blessings He has bestowed upon us. My family's tradition for Thanksgiving is going around the table saying what we are thankful for. Everything! Everything from life, to being able to do medial tasks such as brushing my teeth. This is a wonderful time of year!
I will have another Game Day post this Saturday when we take on Florida State! For now, enjoy the first few days of fall!
(Images found at http://guardianlv.com/2013/09/why-do-we-have-fall/, and http://pichost.me/1785916/)
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